

The magic of the horse is in his power, compassion, caring, and ability to connect and feel. Jamie Sams and David Carson tell us in their glorious book of Medicine Cards that the phrase "stealing horses is stealing power" was a frequent native American statement and a reference to the highly … [Read more...]

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Once In A Blue Moon

A full moon always brings a chill down my spine. So much power and peace and beauty. Last night was a very special full moon called a Blue Moon. The Farmer's Almanac tells us that "for more than half a century, whenever two full Moons appeared in a single month (which happens on average every 2 1/2 … [Read more...]

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You’ve Got the Power

Yes you do. You've got the power to choose: Sadness or joy. Fear or trust. Drama or ease. Pain or pleasure. Limitation or freedom. Dare to use your power to choose. It is ALWAYS up to us what we choose to focus on, expand, and bring into our lives.  This is probably something you have heard before. … [Read more...]

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Silence is Golden

Have you ever tried to be completely silent? (No, sleeping doesn't count!) I mean just choose not to talk for a period of time, even outside of any meditation time? I had tried this before, but I always came up with convenient excuses why I couldn't: "Well, I HAVE to talk to my dogs. They always … [Read more...]

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The magic unfolds…

Have you ever stepped into a space that just took your breath away? A place that just stopped you dead in your tracks as you caught your breath? That's what has just happened here as I type my first dialogue on this sacred ground. And shouldn't our words always be sheltered in sacredness? Too often … [Read more...]

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