
Take That Leap of Faith

This great song reminds us to just do it and have faith. "Leap and the net shall appear" has always been one of my favorite quotes. But it is one of the hardest things for us to do. Mr. Clark has a great line in the song  that says, "he did not know he couldn't fly... so he did." This is a statement … [Read more...]

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All you need is love. But a little chocolate now and then doesn't hurt. ― Charles M. Schulz … [Read more...]

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The wisest follow their own direction. ~ Euripides … [Read more...]

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My Inspiration, My Friend, My Love, My Hero

On February 12th, 1997 I walked into the North Miami Beach Animal Shelter in search of a special puppy. Little did I know that I would end up finding one of the best friends of my life. Actually, I should say that she found me. I had been scanning all of the cages, saying 'hi' to many sweet furry … [Read more...]

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Just Like A Tripawd Pro

Hopping around, tail-wagging, and smiling---these are some of the things that Pebbles does a lot these days. She is so very amazing to watch. She charges up the hill just outside our house and most of the time she gets up on her own to drink water, eat and go out. Sometimes she needs a bit of … [Read more...]

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